Hil-Tech Contracting Ltd.: COVID – 19 Internal Communication / Policy
To allow for continued safe operation see the WCB Covid-19 Safety Plan
Hil-Tech Covid-19 Employee Communication Package
At Hil-Tech Contracting Ltd, the health, safety and well-being of our team is of utmost importance to us. With the concerns around COVID-19 and it officially being identified as a pandemic, we want our team members to feel protected and informed. With the increasing risk of COVID -19 in Canada we are putting in place the following travel, health and personal care guidelines.
All employees are asked to avoid all non-essential travel. For those employees who have recently travelled outside Canada or visited impacted areas or employees who are experiencing symptoms will be denied access to the workplace and asked to self-isolate for fourteen (14) days.
Those with severe symptoms will be advised to seek medical attention before returning to work. INFO:
- Fever (over 38° Celsius/100.4° Fahrenheit), cough, shortness of breath – symptoms similar to a cold or flu
- Severe cases – infection can lead to respiratory failure, pneumonia in both lungs and death
- Possibly few to no symptoms initially – it can take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear after exposure to the virus
Taking Care
All site tours or meetings will be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine if these are necessary to attend, or if alternate arrangements can be made.
In all public / shared spaces (aside from single occupant spaces) masks / face coverings are mandatory where the potential of close contact could be made.
To ensure the decrease of the spreading COVID-19 ensure to:
- Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth) with unwashed hands
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer
- Use disinfectant wipes for common surfaces such as equipment, door handles and countertops
- Covering the nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing by using a tissue or a flexed elbow.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Social Distancing Social distancing involves: Interacting with as few people as possible. Trying to avoid getting too close (nearer than two metres) when we do. Mandatory ‘ON FACE’ respirator if social distancing cannot be maintained.
- See attached info for guidelines while signing in at Job Board, critical and non-critical reviews.
- Stay home and check with your medical doctor/call 811 should be you feeling any symptoms.
if employees are feeling symptomatic while at work,
- Contact the project coordinator or the manager.
- Isolate the person to minimize contamination of vehicles, changerooms, Etc.
- Decontaminate the area ensuring appropriate cleaning solutions and PPE is worn.
- Employees must contact their medical doctor / call 811 to arrange testing.
- Contact the Hil-Tech H&S rep to arrange transportation if required.
Staying at Home
- Anyone with symptoms consistent with those of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, difficulty breathing) is asked to stay home, and urged to call their healthcare provider immediately to advise of symptoms.
- Anyone who has knowingly been in close contact with someone known or suspected to have symptoms consistent with those of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, difficulty breathing) is asked to stay home.
- Our goal is to have you healthy as soon as possible with minimal stress by providing the necessary support required.
Return to Work
- 14 days self-isolation without symptoms in addition to a conference call and clearance with Hil-Tech Management
- After symptoms – Hil-Tech Management review and adherence to B.C. CDC : COVID 19 guidelines.- Ministry of Health prior to returning to work.
For additional information please visit:
B.C.’s Response to COVID-19: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/covid-19-provincial-support
BC CDC – COVID-19: http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019